Desiree wrote:

"Paul B. Gallagher" <> wrote in

Looks like Verdana to me, but I don't see "How it works" at all. I

It doesn't use Verdana unless you have Fx or Sea Monkey configured to
use Verdana at all times.

OK, on closer examination it seems to be using Calibri -- a somewhat narrower sans-serif font. I don't have much of an eye for these subtleties; I can read both of them fine.

Examination of the css file shows that there are some circumstances in which Verdana would be used, but it's not really the focus of this issue.

It was suggested to me, on a Fx forum, that the problem I am
having there with all Mozilla browsers might be due to my not
allowing the website to download and use its font, but forcing it
to use Verdana. So, I changed temporarily in Preferences (and
Options in Fx) to allow websites to use their font of choice. It
made no difference regarding the login button I can't see. I
still couldn't see it and whatever font that is that Mozilla
downloads is terrible.

Have you looked at your size preferences? If you set a minimum size that is smaller than my minimum size, you may get something too small/thin for you while I get something large/thick enough for me.

The only problem I have with "Take the tour" is the color -- not
enough contrast with the gray background. But that may just be my
aging eyes.

"Privacy" and "TOS" at the bottom, if you allow Mozilla to download
its font choice, is very faint...I almost cannot see either. Yet
both are clear and crisp using Verdana.

Here, too, legibility is not an issue for me. The line

От Identity Team из Mozilla     Приватность →   TOS →   Нужна помощь? →

is perfectly clear.

I can make it hard to read by doing CTRL-minus three times, but contrast is not the issue with black type against a white background. Even "TOS," in a non-bold light blue font, is legible for me.

If I mouse over the "Sign up" button, the key to the left of
"Connect with Mozilla Persona..." slides into the lock, leaving
only a little showing.

That is how it is supposed to be with the key sliding into the lock
if you mouse over it...but I can't see any of that on Fx or

I suppose there must be some important difference in your configuration. Have you enabled JavaScript?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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