WaltS wrote:
> On 12/31/2012 12:53 PM, BIll Spikowski wrote:
>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>> BIll Spikowski wrote:
>>>> I'm a longtime Seamonkey user with multiple computers at different
>>>> locations.
>>>> They all run Windows XP and are set up identically, to open PDF links
>>>> in a new tab.
>>>> For the past week or two, each computer frequently has the same
>>>> problem. Instead of PDF links opening, I get a blank grey screen that
>>>> says "Check for updates... Click here to activate plugin." This used
>>>> to happen occasionally and could be corrected by closing Acrobat.exe
>>>> in Task Manager and reloading the PDF link, but now it happens very
>>>> frequently on every computer -- and my old fix never works.
>>>> Has anyone else encountered this problem? It just kills me to have to
>>>> keep switching to clunky IE to open PDF links!
>>> Check in Tools - Add-ons Manager to see if there is a Adobe PDF plugin
>>> and deactivate it.  Also, go into Adobe Reader and turn off updates.
>>> And unless you have some love for Adobe Reader, uninstall and get the
>>> free Foxit PDF reader:
>> I have no love for Adobe Reader, but I use the full Adobe Acrobat
>> version 9.5, which is listed as a plug-in in the Add-ons Manager. If I
>> disable that, do you know what will happen? Is that decision easily
>> reversible?
>> I hesitate to turn off Adobe updates, given the dire security warnings
>> they keep providing!
>> I'm normally happy just to experiment, but when it comes to the
>> interaction of Adobe Acrobat and Seamonkey, it's a complete mystery to
>> me, and I've learned to hesitate tinkering with a PDF setup that
>> finally works for me...
> I would think this also applies to SeaMonkey.
> Adobe Reader 9.5.1 and below was blocked in October 2012.
> <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/blocked/p156>

I don't know why anyone would continue to use READER 9.5.1, when a
free upgrade to 11 is easily available, as are numerous competing
products that many people prefer.

But I'm using the full Adobe Acrobat 9.5.1, not Reader 9.5.1. I think
SM is confusing the two. Acrobat 9.5.1 is updated constantly; it's not
the latest version, but it's hardly obsolete, or unpatched as to security.

I think you've identified the source of my problem -- that SM thinks
I'm using READER 9.5.1 and is blocking it "for my own good."

Understanding that should help me find some solution....

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