On 1/2/13 9:36 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 1/2/13 6:13 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>>> I've never been able to figure out why some people want to have both
>>> programs installed. If you have the full Acrobat program, what good is
>>> the Reader? You already have a perfectly good reader in Acrobat. So
>>> don't confuse them, and don't confuse the OS, and don't confuse SM.
>>> Delete the Reader and just run Acrobat.
>> Full-featured Adobe Acrobat (reader and writer) costs money.
> I know that. That's why I said "IF you have the full Acrobat 
> program...." I was assuming you'd bought and paid for it already.
>> Updates cost money.
> Updates within a version are free. Updates to new versions do cost 
> money. But as you indicate below, you haven't updated to a new version 
> in 14 years.
>> Once you have installed it, you have the capability of creating PDF
>> files and really do not need updates to continue creating PDF files.
> Yes.
>> However, you might need updates for the reader -- Adobe Reader -- to
>> avoid security vulnerabilities from "foreign" PDF files (files you
>> have downloaded from the Web or received as E-mail attachments).
> This takes us back to my question -- why have the Reader at all if you 
> already have Acrobat? Acrobat is perfectly capable of displaying and 
> printing PDFs.
>> I have Adobe Acrobat 4.0 (from 1998?), which still meets my needs as a
>> writer.  Upgrading to a new version would cost me about $140.
>> I also have Adobe Reader 11.0, the latest version.  Upgrading was free.
>> When I get a new PC, I just have to be careful to install Adobe Acrobat
>> before I install Adobe Reader for SeaMonkey to use the latter.
> So does Reader 11 let you view files that Acrobat 4 can't display? Is 
> that the point? It hadn't occurred to me that you might still be running 
> a 1998-vintage program.

I have no idea if Acrobat 4 cannot view files that Reader 11 can.  My
configuration is setup so that opening a PDF file -- either in Windows
XP or SeaMonkey 2.14.1 -- immediately goes to Reader 11.

David E. Ross

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