NoOp <> wrote:
> On 01/23/2013 01:23 PM, Connie wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> I'd rethink taking that "advise" were I you:
>>> <>
>> Not take which advice?  Uninstalling the version already installed? 
>> Installing over the top or not doing so?  Or not installing 2.14.1?
> Installing 2.14.1 instead of the current 2.15.1.
> Notice that 2.15 fixes 12 /Critical/ security issues, and 6 /High/
> security issues.

Wait.  Each and every new release combines security fixes with
functional changes and new bugs.   It is like that, no matter if
you like it or not.   It is not always good to install the latest
release, because they (lately) often come with critical problems
that affect the average user much much more than a security issue.

The security issue only hits you when you visit some infected site,
the new bugs often hit you all the time and right in the face.

Watch for example what happened with IMAP mail in 2.13.  We had to
rollback the entire Seamonkey deployment in our company because of
critical bugs in 2.13.   Now we use 2.14.1 but I am again very
wary to upgrade without extensive testing and making sure there
are no stupid bugs like the font bug that was introduced into the
HTML editor (and forced us to disable font size changes in the
mail composition)

Security issues are important, but functional bugs are also (and
even more) important.  Unfortunately, Mozilla does not separate
them like Microsoft does.   With Microsoft Internet Explorer we
get functionally stable releases for which security bugs are solved
with updates with as little functional impact as possible.
With Mozilla you basically get security issues fixed only in the
"current version", and whenever a security bug is fixed they entice
you to upgrade to a new version with functional changes and new
bugs, that are fixed only very slowly.   This means that many users
just stay at (slightly) older versions.
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