On 6/7/13 11:46 AM, smbel...@toroidalsnark.net wrote:
> On Friday, June 7, 2013 1:54:32 PM UTC-4, Wolfgang Steger wrote:
>> open about:config
>> and create a new preference "network.protocol-handler.external.mailto"
>> of Type boolean with value "true".
>> This will make Seamonkey use the system's default mailer (Outlook in my
>> case) instead of it's own for mailto: links.
> Wolfgang, thank you.  That's exactly what I was looking for.
> However... I don't seem to be able to edit or add anything to the 
> about:config list.  What interface feature or menu item am I missing?  Or 
> should I be editing a text file (in which case, where does the config file 
> reside so I can find it)?

NEVER manually edit the file for preferences!!

Instead, go to your profile directory.  If there is no file named
user.js, create it.  Edit user.js.

For what you want, you need the line
        user_pref("network.protocol-handler.external.mailto", true);
The semi-colon at the end is important.  Do not forget it.

You can annotate user.js with comments to remind you of why you created
a non-default preference value.  Any line beginning with // is a
comment.  Thus, I have
        user_pref("network.protocol-handler.external.mailto", true);
        // to use external E-mail,
        // per Start>Settings>Control Panel>Internet Options,
        //    Programs tab

What you put into user.js takes effect only after you completely
terminate SeaMonkey and then launch it again.

David E. Ross

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