Rufus wrote:
Geoff Welsh wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Geoff Welsh wrote:
goodwin wrote:
On 06/13/2013 11:17 AM, Rufus wrote:
goodwin wrote:
On 06/12/2013 07:09 PM, Rufus wrote:

not following URLs when using the Profile Manager


There's a bug on this - I wrote it. It's been partially fixed since I
wrote the initial bug, but it's still a problem.

One can half-work around it by simply not invoking the Profile
at startup, but even so SM will not open on-disk URLs/Alias for HTML
help file like the Epson user manual for example.

The SM Profile Manager is broken - and I'm betting that some of the
and code paths associated with it are also broken given that invoking
Change Profile from within the Browser presents the old style NS-like
graphic for Profile selection vice the new one which is presented on
invoke at startup.

...all documented in the bug, no fix delivered.

What are you on about?

where's the bug?

If you wrote it as clearly there as you did here, I wouldn't be
surprised nothing is done on the bug.

well put. I don't know what he's talking about either.

Doesn't surprise me...bug 724293, submitted via Bugzilla. Has been
worked, but not fixed.

Start paying actual attention!

Oh, I see
"Bug 724293 - SeaMonkey on Mac OS X does not open HTML files or
hyperlinks correctly when using the profile manager "

I was confused because I didn't realize that the Profile Manger was used
to open HTML files. I thought it was for switching profiles.


Yes, it's not - but according to the team members that have responded to
my bug the solution was/is to stop invoking Profile Manager at
startup...which threw me too. But PM is the culprit...somehow.

And even then, that only partially works - not invoking PM at startup
will allow SM to directly open a link from an e-mail, etc. but SM still
will not navigate to and properly open the HTML based on-disk Help files
for my Epson Printer - 1.x.x did, but 2.x.x does not.

so File/Open.... and then you navigate to and select... anything.html
and it doesn't open?  I'll have to try that on my 2.17 machine
thanks for the explanation.
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