On Sun, 12 Jan 2014 at 03:48:00 +0600,Exalm wrote:

..... SM isn't detecting my previously installed Adobe Flash Player.

Is the corresponding .so present in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins?

Yes and no to that.   Let me explain:

There's a 19.2 MB "flashplugin-alternative.so" file there with the same installation date as I originally installed Ubuntu 12.04.3. I remember deliberately opting to include flashplayer as part of that installation, and I was pleased to see that the Firefox which came with that installation could play videos right from the start as soon as I opened it.

When I look in Firefox -> Add-ons Manager -> Plugins it shows Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202 and the file libflashplayer.so which is not quite the same and that doesn't appear in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

When I subsequently got SM2.23 and tried to play a video, it prompted me "You need to install Flash Player to play this content. Download Flash Player now", so I looked for Adobe Flash in Software Center and found Adobe Flash plugin installer was already installed. It does say there that it will work with a range of web-browsers, including SeaMonkey. It shows a total file size of only 139.3 kB on disk which is very different to the 19.2MB .so file mentioned above.

In my SM2.23 about:plugins shows No installed plugins found, and about:addons has no mention of Flash Player on it's Featured dd-ons list.

Adobe's Flashplayer site offers me 3 alternatives to download:

 YUM for Linux (YUM)
.tar.gz for other Linux
.rpm for other Linux

but do I really need to download a seperate version for SM?

How can I make my SM recognise my existing flashplayer?

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