On 4/1/2014 2:06 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
hawker wrote:

Has anyone else had issues with SM25 fonts changing in E-mail on
their own?

I updated from SM0.21 to SM.25 and the problem started. What I have
found is when the draft backup kicks in or right after I click send
any non default fonts get reset to the default font.

This is especially a problem for e-mails I compose to my China
vendors who use a special font to make English to Chinese translation

What causes this? Is this a reported/known bug?

Could be an encoding issue, I spose... certainly not the shapes of the
glyphs ("font"). Choosing Times Roman or Courier or Bodoni Bold
shouldn't make any difference to a computer.

Other than Unicode, the characters used for English should be at the
same code points in most any encoding scheme, eh? They're all basic ASCII.

Check whether SM is automatically changing your encoding to an undesired
value. For example, if they always want to see Unicode (or Big 5 or
whatever) and SM is forcing to Western, that could cause trouble for an
automated translation system.

Edit | Mail & Newsgroups | Character Encoding

In general, SM will switch to Unicode automatically if your message
contains characters outside the set you have specified. So if you want a
Western message to remain in Western, don't mix in any Chinese. By the
same token, if they need to see Unicode and you're sending plain English
with no foreign characters, SM has no reason to switch and will use

Check also if quoted printable is checked on that pref dialog; some
recipients may have trouble with it (though they shouldn't).

I'll look into all that.
It is hard to say what exactly is going on. What I see is that I'll be typing along and all of a sudden wammo my text looks totally different. Usually it is larger and appears to switch back to the default font rather than what I was in. The stored message also is the new font. Looking at Bugzilla I see a few old Thunderbird bugs about fonts changing but nothing that seems to be recent or followed up on.


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