I've started using the addon uMatrix on PaleMoon. This extension can block CSS per site, maybe this might be of use.

On 08/05/16 16:54, David E. Ross wrote:
On 5/8/2016 7:44 AM, WaltS48 wrote:
On 05/08/2016 10:34 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 5/7/2016 9:53 AM, WaltS48 wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:
Web designers have gone bonkers with styles.
Their idiocy can be defeated on a per-page basis by View->Use
I wish to surf with "None" being my default rather than
"Default Style".
How???? I unsuccessfully searched about:config for both "CSS"
and "style".

To declutter my experience I browse with:
  JavaScript, cookies, colors/backgrounds disabled
  font size forced to a readable minimum

HELP please.

When I set View > Page Style > No Style in SeaMonkey for one
site, all the other sites I visit after have No Style.

The same in Firefox.

It appears to me that is all you need to do, unless it reverts on
a restart. Which it did in my Firefox test.

My solution would be to start with my home page set to
about:blank, change the setting from the menu and continue on.

But it reverts anytime a new browser window or tab is opened :<

That's why you start with about:blank as the home page, change it and
browse happily each restart, until somebody comes up with a better
solution. Maybe leave the browser running 24/7 so you can escape the
annoyance of changing the setting each restart.

I'll experiment and see if I can find something.

Do as I did.  I instealled the PrefBar extension from
<https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/prefbar/>.  Then I
imported the CSS Checkbox into PrefBar from
<http://prefbar.tuxfamily.org/buttons.html#togglecss>, which placed the
checkbox on my PrefBar tool bar.

Most Web sites have okay CSS.  When I find a site that has a problem, I
merely uncheck the CSS Checkbox without having to navigate through a menu.

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