In 09/11/19 11:35, Don Spam's Reckless Son dixit:

Reinstalling Seamonkey is not going to help - as you say - this problem only affects the profile. I looked around a bit and saw but am not sure that still works, certainly "mozbackup" is no longer to be considered reliable.  I'd certainly take a backup of your profile (while Seamonkey is not running) before playing around more although it may be a bit late for that.

I'll take a look to that case you refer, but...

The main difference with the typical corruption cases, is that my email messages are not lost, nor they are mixed. If you read my description of the failures they are mainly failures of *visualization* (of pages, of folders, of tabs names, of messages headers), or more especifically problems of *non visualization* of items. Besides I got the randomly ocurring error messages regarding Enigmail, applying filters, failed writing in folders, etc.

I'm think ablout creating a second profile, test if some of the errors are present there, and which ones, and then try to move there only the accounts that don't show their folders in the first profile. I guess that would give some clues or even a solution to use those accounts, though I will have to switche profiles each time I want to use them... That wouldn't be much of a problem.

> What are you doing about increasing the size of /home?

My way of emergency freeing space in /home is moving big files to an external drive.

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