flyguy wrote:
Windows 10, SM 2.49.4

Task Manager showed SM using 32% memory with email and one browser window open. The browser had only one tab with the Washington Post front page. Closing the browser reduced memory use to 24%; after closing the email then reopening it, it used only 7%. I've noticed this high memory usage before. Is there a way to avoid it, or to reduce it without closing the program? I don't mind closing/reopening the email, but often I have several windows and tabs open, so it's a nuisance to close the browser, too.

I've found this effect on my own machines, although I haven't tried to do any serious work of digging in to figure out if it's something related to the browser, the mail client, one of my extensions, a combination of things, or something else that I haven't thought of. My suspicion is that there's a memory leak somewhere, but the symptoms aren't always consistent.

Something that I've noticed is that sometimes, I get really laggy response and the Windows Task Manager showing Seamonkey using a lot of cycles, and the memory allocation is only about 850 MB (and slow perfomance), and sometimes, I can see memory usage above 1.5 GB, and no obvious performance issues.

Several weeks ago, I was interacting with a form with multiple screens that had a ton of scripting in it (where every single input required script interaction), and I noticed that the further I got into the form, the slower the response was. By the time that I got to the last few inputs on the form, Seamonkey was giving me scripting timeouts. I had left Seamonkey open overnight, after a full day of usage the previous day, and IIRC, checks of Windows Task Manager showed that Seamonkey was using around 2.2 GB of RAM, and heavy CPU usage. Normally, for that kind of slowness of response, I would have restarted Seamonkey, but by the time the performance got beyond tolerable, I was far enough into the form that I didn't want to have to start over at the beginning of the form.

I live in Seamonkey all day, and I generally don't have any issues if I have launched it at the beginning of the day. Most often, if I see issues, it tends to be if I've left it open overnight. I know that yesterday, at the end of the day, I had Seamonkey open with light usage, and I forgot to shut down, and when I came in this morning, it was still open. Memory usage was a little more than 1 GB. I didn't check for performance before I restarted.

In my experience, I don't see evidence that Seamonkey is hardware restrained. I currently run 16 GB of RAM, and even when it's slow, there's still plenty of RAM available. And about a year ago, I moved to a to a new machine with an SSD in it. Thus, it appears that there aren't issues with swapping happening. Since I moved to this machine, I think I see the performance issues a little less frequently, but not dramatically, The most constant thing seems to be where it's been running for more than 16 hours at a time.

A lot of the time, I'm content to simply restart Seamonkey, but there are times when that's inconvenient. I have more than one mailbox set where I don't allow Seamonkey to remember the password for POP and IMAP connections (I do that to ensure that by having to enter those passwords once per session, I don't forget them), and I also have Seamonkey set to discard all my cookies at the end of a session. Thus, if I do a restart, I have to re-enter passwords for email, and sometimes for open sessions in the browser.

One of my favorite extensions is Session Manager. I have that one set to keep a list of all open tabs when the browser shuts down, and when I restart, I have the last 8 sessions available (along with other sets of tabs that I've saved). Thus, if I have a bunch of tabs open at the end of the day, I can shut down Seamonkey, and then when I start up the next day, I can re-open all of those tabs (even if I have to log into any open browser sessions).

Since I have a spare machine available, I might try seeing what happens if I build up a profile from scratch, starting with just a browser, and then adding one or more mail accounts as well as extensions, to see if I can find any pattern to where performance begins to lag.

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