EE wrote:
Richard Alan wrote:
EE wrote:

flyguy wrote:
Windows 10, SM 2.49.4

Task Manager showed SM using 32% memory with email and one browser
window open. The browser had only one tab with the Washington Post
front page. Closing the browser reduced memory use to 24%; after
closing the email then reopening it, it used only 7%. I've noticed this
high memory usage before. Is there a way to avoid it, or to reduce it
without closing the program? I don't mind closing/reopening the email,
but often I have several windows and tabs open, so it's a nuisance to
close the browser, too.

If you read your email as plain text, it should not take as much room.

Choosing to read only the plain text will not change the size of the email or the memory usage of the window. If the email contains an "HTML half" it
still loads. Do a Crtl-U and see it all.

That is only if the email is multipart.  If the sender uses only HTML and you read that as plain text, the tidied content does not take much space.  I read all my email as plain text.  Even if I deal with 20 messages, I delete them when I have finished, then compact the folders. The compaction tells me how much space I saved afterwards, and it is on the order of kilobytes, not megabytes.

The space saved by compacting is the disk space saved by deleting the emails from the mailbox file on disk. Nothing to do with memory usage. And that is the size of the full emails, including headers and all parts (including any attachments) and not affected by how you view them - you'll be seeing that space saved even if you delete the email without ever viewing it.


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