On Sat, 27 Mar 2004 14:13:09 -0500
Nick Tarleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know. Perhaps I should clarify: it begins to download as soon as I run 
> start-freenet.sh, and keeps going for a while, even before I access 
> fproxy/run any clients. This is something of a problem, as I use dial-up. 
> I've heard of prefetching the start-page links; if this is it, can it be 
> turned off? I see no related option in freenet.conf.

When you start Freenet, it immediately tries to connect to as many nodes
as possible, from the pool of nodes that it knows about. If what you're
seeing is a bandwidth spike that goes away after a couple of minutes,
it's probably connections being opened. I imagine that handshaking with
50+ nodes could use up all of your bandwidth for awhile.

It could certainly be something else, though. Check out the Environment
page from the web interface, go to "Pooled Thread Consumers" and you can
see what the threads are doing. (Caveat: by loading the main web
interface page, you're initiating requests for the activelink images of
the index pages. To avoid this, bookmark the Environment page and go
straight there as soon as the node starts.)

With the default settings, Freenet will pretty much saturate a dialup
link when you're actively using it, and it will eat bandwidth even when
you aren't using it. If you haven't done so already, you might want to
tweak the input and output bytes values in the config file.

Another suggestion is to make sure that the line


is present in the config file, with no % in front of it. Transient nodes
do not have any requests routed to them, which cuts down on bandwidth
usage. As I understand it, there is an anonymity tradeoff here if
someone is monitoring your requests and knows that your node is
transient (your node isn't routing other peoples' requests, so all
requests leaving your node are your own).

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