Mika Hirvonen wrote:
On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 11:18:47 +0200, Constantine Dokolas

Ben Golding wrote:

I think 576 is the recommendation for best performance whether on ADSL
or dial-up, several sites seem to confirm this eg:


MTU = 1500 is normal for Ethernet LANs.

How can I find out the MTU for my dial-up on a W2K machine?

(I'm assuming here you're familiar with the command line)

First, get your gateway's IP address with ipconfig.

Then, start pinging it with the dont-fragment bit set:

ping -f -l 1500 your.gateway.example

If you get this error message: "Packet needs to be fragmented but DF
set.", decrease the packet size (1500 bytes), otherwise increase it.
Start out with large increases/decreases and keep decreasing the
amount you change the packet size. Eventually you'll reach a point
where increasing the packet size by one byte results in the error
message mentioned above. That is your MTU.

Hmm... I thought there was an easier way... whatever. I must remember old PPP connection logs (or was that some other protocol?).

FYI, I tested this in the company LAN and the largest value that got through was 1472.

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