On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Kathryn A. Graham<kate9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestions, Volodya.
> No, my node is definitely on the same machine where I am trying to run
> Frost.  I'm on a home network, but my other half is no computer whiz,
> and I am the only one experimenting with Freenet as yet.  He will be my
> test case once I get comfortable with this stuff, and before I try to
> write any book chapters about Freenet.  If he can do it, any Windows
> user can, lol.
> I've checked the ZA programs listing and Frost is not listed as such -
> merely as an instance of Java.  I've given Java more access than I am
> completely comfortable with, but Frost still cannot connect to my node
> at all.   I've tried turning ZA and Avast off completely, but it still
> does not work.  The Web of Trust plugin is not working either (for
> Freetalk).  Just FMS, and only since I reinstalled it a little while
> ago.  I'm not successfully announced yet, of course, but a few captchas
> are trickling in and I can read some messages.
> I'm heartened by tentative success with FMS, and I'm going to reinstall
> Web of Trust and see if I can get that working now for Freetalk.

Glad to hear things are at least somewhat working.  I'm not at all
certain what the Frost issue could be.

Be warned that WoT/Freetalk is not precisely release ready, as I
understand it :)

Some of the other messages in this thread may have been unclear, but I
believe the only relationship between FMS and WoT/Freetalk is that
they solve similar problems; their web of trust concepts are fairly
different, they're by different developers, and share no code.  There
has been much ranting about the design decisions of one or both
approaches by many people (myself included); there's no need to rehash
that, but you can find it in the archives if you're interested in the
spam / introductions / captchas problem in the abstract.

Also, neither Frost nor FMS is officially supported by the Freenet
Project; you can certainly find help here, but bug reports should go
to their authors.

My understanding is that the Thingamablog port is very old and not
maintained, which I find unfortunate.  The problem it tries to solve
-- making publishing a flog easy for a new user -- is important, imho.

I suspect you're more interested and able to give comments on
usability issues, installation issues, and what the average Windows
user is likely to expect than many people are.  I encourage you to
offer any such comments / critiques / etc here, in IRC, or by filing
bugs on the bug tracker.  Improvements to the first-time-user
experience are very important, imho.

I'm glad you seem to be liking Freenet!

Evan Daniel
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