Regarding Auto-Update:

Not sure about others, but on my Linux system, I have never had a problem with 
the freenet auto update in well over a year.

>    - Freenet 0.7.5 Build #1237 build01237
>    - Freenet-ext Build #26 r23771
> Lot's of people are saying they got slow downloads. I have never bitched
> about it but I can offer you some info.
> I use WinXpPro with 1GB allocated to freenet and big rambuckets.
> The problem isn't just with this release but older ones as well.
> Downloads with high availability come as fast as ever.
> But these downloads I'm trying aren't all completely available and the ones
> that are, are almost extinct on datablocks from freenet.
> What I think happens with global queue vs non-global downloads:
> Global: FN tries one download for a while, then tries a bit from another
>  one and so on. Result: Slow download
> NonGlobal: FN tries several files at the same time, when blocks are found
>  it continues to leech them, the concurrent downloads that cant find
>  blocks, only slow it down a bit.
> I present you with my graph. I'm downloading music from freenet.
> Look at my bandwidth meter on the top.
> Starting from the left, you can see 8 hours of downloading these tunes with
> global queue.
> On the right, you can see 2 hours of when I switched on Frost's Non-Global
> downloading.
> If I were to put that in numbers of downloaded bytes, non-global downloads
>  3 times as much in the same time, with the same downloads.
> I have been testing this for months, but finally decided to nag about it.
> I recommend global queue that leeches the files it finds blocks for, or
> download several threads to several files at once.
> ======
> Also, the automatic update still doesn't work, just remove it.
> When it tries to update, freenet restarts 4-7 times without updating.
> Then Freenet stops and won't restart anymore. At that point, the update has
> been completed, but node is left dead or unstarted.
> Update script works as brilliant as ever, but it doesnt make use of update
> files downloaded from freenet, I'm fine with that.
> I would like a notification of a new version so I can manually run the
> update script.
> Bye.
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