Actually, since it is open software and the former 0.5 is extant can't you just 
do that?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: - 
To: support at
Sent: 8/19/2006 3:11:05 PM 
Subject: [freenet-support] Freenet 0,5 and 0,7


I think you're making a mistake in forcing new people into the beta test 
freenet 0.7 instead of the established 0.5.

You're forgetting how _highly_ someone new has to be motivated to try freenet, 
even version 0.5 which works and is not a beta test. Let's think about what 
would motivate someone...

I remember when I found freenet, I installed it spent hours reading over the 
technical jargon.
It was incredible slow. I removed it thinking this is a pile of crap that does 
not work.

Only a few months later, did I again bother to go through this
complicated process and after waiting for three days with it on, it finally 
started working.

The reason I spent many hours and went back after throwing it out once, was 
because I was _highly motivated_ for the anonymity and content.

Here's the problem:

If 0.7 doesn't offer the anonymity and the content, plus it's an unstable beta 
why would anyone new bother to join the community? 

Do you think people are nice enough to offer their time and computers to beta 
test some random highly technical peer to peer application that completely hogs 
your computer's resources?

The problem with freenet (even 0.5) is, it just isn't user friendly.
A person who just stumbles on freenet does not know if it's actually going to 
work. After seeing how slow it is, most people, like myself will just get rid 
of it, not bothering to learn all the configurations, frost, fuqid, etc.

If you took the time to create a simple, down-to-earth website and install 
program without all the technical jargon, you would double or triple your user 

The only NEW users you're going to get to freenet 0.7 are going to be 
peer-to-peer programming enthusiasts. And how many of those are there that 
don't know about freenet already?

So instead of scaring all potential freenet users away, It would be wiser to 
just ask members of the freenet community to do the beta testing, and create a 
nice user friendly website for 0,5 until 0,7 is working. Even I would be 
willing to help create this website, and I'm sure many other people also would 

Best Regards,

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