On 2011-04-28, Helmut Wittek wrote:

it's no easy task to evaluate distance perception under anechoic conditions (which obviously hardly exists).

By the way, I think that is one of the reasons anechoic rooms are perceptually so overwhelming and induce the kind of anxiety they do: in the absence of pretty much all meaningful distance cues, sound sources sort of crawl up onto you skin, and the distance perception also becomes rather unstable. I'm reasonably sure at least half of the "pushing", "suffocating" or "anxious" feeling they give you comes from the illusion that any and every sound source is violating your sphere of privacy/autonomy. That's also why I've never really been happy when people describe the sensation as being "sterile" -- to me it seems rather the opposite.

We did this during my PhD research on WFS.

With the above in mind, do you know of any research into the purely psychological and/or emotive aspects of anechoic conditions, and/or other spatial distortions? Including at least WFS's spatial aliasing, HOA's angular blurring, or, say, binaural/XTC related externalisation effects ("in your head" and all that)?

Wittek, H., Kerber, S., Rumsey, F. and Theile, G.
Spatial perception in Wave Field Synthesis rendered sound fields: Distance of 
real and virtual nearby sources
Preprint #6000, AES 116th Convention, Berlin, 2004

Ooh, I don't think I have this one yet. Care to share a preprint?

Also, if people want, I could probably assume the risk over another collection of papers in addition to the Ambisonic Motherlode, this time pertaining to WFS. Perhaps even a third one, with discrete systems in mind. If ya'll're game, private and/or anonymous submissions are welcome.

Finally, right now I'm at least a year or so behind current Ambisonic research as well. Any recent contributions to the Ambisonic 'lode would be greatly appreciated; eventhough I still don't have the time or the energy to organize it neatly.
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