My TV is just set to plain stereo, doesn't appear to have any other options such as SRS anyway. Unfortunately, moving the TV to another location is not a trivial operation. It is however hooked up to my stereo hifi (slightly more favourably positioned!), and the next obvious thing is to audition an episode on those.

BTW: I was delighted to see an advert for Derby University in between episodes (on E4). Interesting scheduling - but I am not sure what message it sends!

Richard Dobson

On 07/08/2012 12:29, Peter Lennox wrote:
Sounds to me like a cross-talk cancelling thing; with decorrelated
material (reverb, sometimes crowd noise) it can produce startling
surround effects. If this were the case, you should find that it
occurs for some listening positions more than others (TVs with these
algorithmns built in usually produce about 3 lobes - dead ahead and
either side, about 30-40 degrees off the centre line. If you have a
look at the audio settings, you'll probably find that the option for
surround (is it SRS or something?- I forget) is selected - and if you
changed to straight stereo, the effect should disappear.

It doesn't usually work that well in a corner, and should be more
pronounced if you brought the telly away from close-by reflective
surfaces. The effect can be quite pleasing, but sometimes is
disconcerting. Cheers ppl

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