
it turned out that this monster of a piece is unkillable, no matter what we
> tried. so this evil little bear of little brain but inexhaustible
> mischievousness folded it down to mono, out of pure spite. the sound was
> still all over the place. chowning 10, bear 0.
> and here's to fake doppler shifts.

I'd say your observation, which I agree with, suggests that space can be
perceived through the  identification of sound artefacts that act as
'icons' (Peirce) or 'symbols' of our experience of space. In other words,
the realistic projection of spatial acoustic stimuli owes much of its
success to the fact that we recognise the effect of space on sound ... and
accurate spatial projection is, in fact, not required to activate that
recognition (but supports it well, of course)

Also, Chowning's Turenas makes extensive use of the relative relationship
between direct sound and reverberant sound, as a means to perceive
distance. He also uses a directional reverberation, for extremely far
sounds ... where what is primarily heard is the reverberant field but it
comes from a specific direction. These may be as responsible, perhaps even
more so than Doppler, for acting as 'icons' of space.

I like Peter's suggestion that Doppler is perhaps best seen as a cue of
something passing. Good cue for revealing if one has missed the bus!


> Jörn Nettingsmeier
> Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487
> Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
> Tonmeister VDT
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