Hi Albert,

Strictly speaking, FuMa is an extension of  MAG's original B Format
ordering for the Soundfield mic. and only ever went up to third order,
owing to the unfortunate fact that someone many centuries ago decided that
26 letters were enough to encode English. I have always referred to the
Soundfield type first order signal set (with the -3dB weighting on W) as "B
Format" and used "FuMa" only when working with signals that include higher
orders. However, I can see why it makes sense to refer to such first order
signals as FuMa also since it explicitly indicates that they include the
-3dB (and other weightings on the higher channels) to equalise maximise
levels in the channels.  This all made a lot of sense a couple of decades
ago when most of us were still using analogue tape machines and we had to
retain as much dynamic range as possible. Also having one, fixed, channel
ordering helped reduce the chance of errors*. Now, I no longer think that
this matters much with floating point coding eliminating dynamic range
limitations and the fact labelling can (or at least, should) be part of the
file itself.

   Dave Malham

*Labels do drop off tape reels and will always make strenuous efforts to do
so at the most inconvenient possible time. :-)

On 3 April 2016 at 01:20, Albert Leusink <alb...@tumbleandyaw.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Coming soon, to a phone near you !:
> https://storage.googleapis.com/jump-inspector/Jump_Inspector_Quick_Start.pdf
> There will definitely be many user complaints initially due to
> misunderstandings as it uses ACN/SN3D ordering and 99% of all the tools
> (VST
> plugins etc..) currently used by the VR community are FuMa / .AMB based...
> To add to that confusion, Oculus has just updated their Gear VR video
> player
> specs to accept FuMa first order....
> I'm sure you have all had this discussion many times over, but what, if
> any,
> are the advantages of 1st order ACN over FuMa?
> From what I've gathered, ACN was initially proposed as it would allow
> bigger
> file sizes but I don't think that really applies to mobile phones in this
> case...doesn't it only make sense to have ACN beyond 3rd order?
> Have a good weekend,
> Albert
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As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University.

These are my own views and may or may not be shared by the University

Dave Malham
Honorary Fellow, Department of Music
The University of York
York YO10 5DD

'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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