you can get cat converters from any auto store. or even good used ones from
a wrecking yard. Here in NJ, the state inspections stations have to
emissions inspect any vehicle, even the smartass that brought in his
electric conversion. the guy spent 5 minutes looking for the tailpipe before
the owner fessed up.

Steve Spence
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----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 1:39 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Emissions test and catalytic converter

> Hi.  I have been running my '85 VW Golf on 100% biodiesel since this
> past August and have been chewing on some emissions issues since then:
> First, where can I have my car emissions checked?  I have checked
> with Smog Check stations (in the SF Bay Area) and none of them want to
> touch a diesel.  My car has over 200,000 miles and may need a tuneup.
>  I'd like to get a baseline to see what kind of improvement I'm
> getting with biodiesel and how much improvement there would be with a
> catalytic converter.
> Which leads to the next question - where can a find a good catalytic
> converter for an '85 Golf?  I understand that use of veggie fuels
> allows you to use catalytic converters that would be otherwise
> destroyed by the sulfur in petro fuel.  How does this work, and where
> might I find one that will work for my car?
> Thanks much for your help.  I look forward to hearing your replies.
> Bruce
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