Hi Kim and Luc ;

Yes Luc very well said.  

> Did Jesus always follow the status quo ? Quite the
> contrary. Where can you 
> find, other than when chidding the religious
> hypocrites of the day, an 
> example of Him ever condeming people for the
> decisions they made ? You 
> won't. Did He insist that everyone follow Him and do
> it the same way? Again, 
> quite the contrary, He even told some to return home
> and not follow Him. No 
> condemnation infered or implied or overtly
> expressed.

Yes, very true, but much more than that.  He made his
triumphant march into Jerusalem on a donkey!  Why
didn't He at least get a chariot or something?  Answer
: because the material things in this life are not
important in the grand scheme.

When I watched Mel Gibson's movie I was awestruck at
His TOTAL surrender.  I mean He could have done a
simple thing like put His hands up and take off the
Crown of Thorns.  But He didn't.  Not one ounce of
resistance at all.  Total surrender.

Why didn't He come down off that cross and kick some
serious butt?   He had the power to, after all.  Why
didn't He?

The answer is that He was showing us the model which
we should strive to follow.  Why does He want people
who can be wronged and not retaliate?  Asnwer: because
IF you are worthy to receive eternal life, you will
have great powers to do pretty much whatever you like.
 What would Heaven be like if everyone was fighting? 
It would be total chaos!  He NEEDS people who won't
retaliate.  It is the only way to keep peace.  I would
go further and say that the degree to which you can be
wronged and not retaliate will decide your level in
Heaven.  Jesus took the unlitmate wrong and did not
retaliate, therefore He will be the Most High.  The
closer you can come to His example, the more power you
will be given.  It's what I would do if I were Him.

>  Christians do not slaughter babies and
> innocents, final.

True Christians do not slaughter anyone, evil or good
or innocent or not.  I don't say this is easy, or even
that I could do it, only that it is true.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

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