
You are right, the Christians and Muslims are probably closer. To be honest, I did not think it trough, probably because I do not really care and am quite tired on the whole thing. All the religious books (or teachings) were good the past, since they functioned in a way to give a fairly good behavioral and medical environment. Except from around 800 to quite recent times, when the importance of keeping your soul instead of body clean, caused quite serious and deadly periods of deceases.


At 04:01 AM 2/4/2005, you wrote:
G'day Hakan;

----- Original Message ----- From: "Hakan Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] To Kim: {was}"Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge


I like what you say, but have only one major point to make. Christian Zionists cannot exist, because the basic common elements of faith are not there.

The term "christian zionist" is commonly used when refering to the American version of so-called christians who blindly support anything the zionists do under the false impression that it falls into line with Scripture, and of course, the two combined is indeed an impossibility as one's agenda is opposite from that of the other but in order to better confuse they are termed that way. Judas Iscariot was "called" an apostle but that didn't stop him from being a mercenary traitor did it? Actions far outweigh rhetoric and titles, just as those termed "christian zionist" are maybe the later but are absolutely not the former.

Christians are those that belive that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was here on earth 2005 years ago, Zionists are those who still are waiting for him to come.

I think you have "Zionists" and "Talmudists" confused, thing they have worked very hard to obfuscate. They are not necesarily the same. Zionism is political, Talmudism is religious.

Zionists and Muslims have more in common, than Zionists and Christians.

Other way around.Both the Bible and the Koran accept Christ as a great prophet whereas Talmud puts Him in totally different light (figuratively speaking, it actually has Him quite dark).When I speak Talmud I am refering to the Babylonian Talmud Soncino Edition, not the Jerusalem Talmud used for public consumption purposes.

It is the same God between all of them, the real problem is if Jesus was here or not.

Actually they all acknowledge that Jesus was here, it is just that two of them portay Him in a positive light and the other as something altogether unmentionable in polite company.

For this difference, the children of God are prepared to kill each other, even the ones who doesn't have a >clue of what the differences are.

Ah, yes, here also it gets muddled. "Children of God". One has it defined in racial terms, so that would make God a racist. The other has it open to all but a spiritual thing of the heart, often times misunderstood. The last does not acknowledge such a thing as a posibility of existing. Servants yes, children? No.

And then there is the game of politics that gets thrown in so that if the waters weren't sooted already they are now to anyone trying to make heads or tails out of the intentional mess that has been created. Kicking the ball through the goal posts are the neo-con so-called christians denying the very teachings they profess adhering to.



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