Hi again Paul

> > >----- Original Message -----
>Paul wrote> >Mix the lime into the WVO/BD and heat with occasional stirring
>to 100 deg C.
> > >The lime appears to dissolve in WVO as heated but is probably just held
> > >suspension.
> > >Cool decant and filter. No problems with ammount of lime just use excess.
>Forgot to mention that it is best to make a slurry of the lime and a small
>volume of WVO, then add this to WVO.

Right, thanks.

> > Thanks Paul, I'll try that. But this caustic refining step is so easy
> > I'm quite satisfied with it, and there's no need for heat, for
> > filtering, or for anything you haven't already got.
> >
> > "... just use excess" - about how much per litre?
>Be guided by the titration.
>1g NaOH is equivalent in reaction to 1.08g Ca(OH)2

Okay, that's what I needed to know, thankyou. I've got some gunk here 
from a failed test (what's the use of tests unless some of them fail, 
LOL!), I'll try it, and on some of this 9.15 ml titration WVO.

> > >Would much rather go acid/base with feedstock with FFA content this high,
> >
> > Sure, as I said, but a lot of people don't do acid-base. Also,
> > acid-base doesn't like this particular oil, it has a lot of salt in
> > it (tempura oil). Hot pre-washing solves that problem, but that then
> > makes the acid-base process a lot more trouble than this, and a lot
> > more energy use, so you're left to choose between much more time and
> > hassle for the acid-base advantages, or a quick and easy way like
> > this, and there's not much in it. Especially since I think recovered
> > FFAs are useful, not wastage. You're not using more methanol, the
> > extra lye isn't expensive, so it's really just some extra phosphoric,
> > no big deal, as against no sulphuric.
>Interesting I didn't think of the salt content.

Doesn't seem to matter with transesterification, but it interferes 
with acid esterification. Needs more sulphuric, and it still might 
not work well. Best to wash it out first. Heat the oil to 60 deg C, 
heat the same amount of water to 80 deg C, pour the hot water onto 
the oil, chuck in a bubbler, maintain overall heat at about 75-80 deg 
C, bubble for about two hours, cool, settle, separate. The oil 
doesn't seem to need dewatering after that, nice and dry, somehow.

> > >less wastage/recovery
> >
> > "It's an alternative - better than straight single-stage base for oil
> > like this, and while it won't get as a high a production rate as
> > acid-base, and it uses more catalyst and gives you more co-products,
> > it's very quick and simple, and the product is good."
> >
> > >and acid stage allows alcohols other than methanol or
> > >ethanol to be used. Isopropanol for instance has the potential to reduce
> > >cloudpoint.
> >
> > Have you tried the acid-base process with isopropynol? That'll make
> > branched alkyl esters, low cloud-point yes, but I don't know of
> > anyone that's had any success with isopropynol or butyl other than
> > with enzymes, though I do know people who've tried. Reference
> > previously posted in "Cracking" thread, Foglia et al, for instance.
> > Pressure maybe.
>Have to dig through my records, intended to try acid/base with isoprop in
>acid stage but can't remember whether I got around to it.
>isopropanol definitely doesn't seem to want to work for transesterification.
>I think Aleks was working on BD using either isopropanol or butanol.

Yes, Aleks was working with isopropanol, but he gave up, got chicken 
soup no matter what he did. He didn't try pressure though. Anyway, he 
seems satisfied with acid-base as-is, put a fuel line heater on his 
Jeep so he didn't need lower cloud points anymore. Definitely a no-no 
for transesterification, that probably goes for butyl too. Either 
acid-base under pressure or enzymes, I think.

Thanks again Paul



> > Best wishes
> >
> > Keith
> >
> >
>Regards,   Paul Gobert
>Biofuels at Journey to Forever
>Biofuel at WebConX
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