Well said Kenji and Zeke;

I agree and I think the majority of what you are after Kenji is already written up on the J2F page.  All that is needed is a parent document that references the various quality test documents or includes them. Correct me if I am wrong but can anyone confirm that if the methanol test passes, then the reprocess test becomes redundant?  I haven't verified this.  Currently I'm struggling with such poor feed stock that I can't get really complete reactions with the base only process. I should start doing acid base soon.  Virgin oil works great of course but I don't want to spend the money to buy 30 liters of virgin oil just to see if anything will drop out after passing the methanol test.  List experience would be a boon here folks...Also has anyone tried blending bad oils with better oils to get a mixture that titrates better?  Is this a foolish notion?  I need chemistry propeller heads to answer that one I suppose.
Definitely as long as we continue using waste oils that vary in quality we need a really solid benchmark for quality testing but I believe we already have it!
Another issue besides unreacted components in fue which is related to fuel quality is water content (dissolved water that is  -ppm levels) and temperature effects.  I have started documenting trials with a series of sample vials that contain various mixtures of BD and petroleum diesel (winter diesel recently obtained from the industry) ranging from 2% BD up to 80%.  I have them out on my window sill and take pics at various outdoor temperatures.  The overall quality document should speak to this issue of cold temperature use I think.  I will share my findings with you if you want to include it.


Kenji James Fuse wrote:
This was what I was getting at, Zeke, but you've put it much more
eloquently and succinctly.

I agree that this biofuels list would make a great self-certification
group, especially as Canadians tend to have this built-in inferiority
complex; and since this list is so international, it would have clout
up here.


On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, Zeke Yewdall wrote:

There is a lot of power in self-certification from trade groups (which
the biofuels list essentially is for biodiesel, even if we don't think
of ourselves that way).    A  relevant example from the PV industry.
Colorado has had an active trade group that has an examination,
continuing ed, and training process in order to maintain certification
for designing and installing PV systems.    When the utility was
required to install a couple of MW of PV after losing a public vote
last year, the entity they eventually started negotiating with was our
trade group.  And guess whose web page they refer people to to find an

Compare this to Oregon, where there was no grass routes certification
process. There, the state legislature I believe, decided, after some
shoddy systems going in, that only licensed electricians could touch
PV modules.  Technically, anyone else is not even allowed to take them
out of the box.  However, these licensed electricians have no
requirement to know a thing about PV, and if they go by traditional
high voltage wiring practices, could actually made a pretty dangerous
system too.

Sounds sort of like the biodiesel industry, where homebrewers produce
high quality product (and some don't...), and some commercial firms
produce crap.  But you know who the government is going to put quality
control to if they end of legislating something before we show that we
are policing ourselves.

On 2/22/06, Kenji James Fuse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wasn't talking aboout the ASTM test, although one of these days I'm
going to talk to politicians and bureaucrats about getting the 'distillate
curve' off the Canadian specs.

All I meant is that we write up a 'biodiesel safe' thingy, like those
silly foodsafe courses waiters and grocery store clerks have to take
("after wiping your bum, wash your hands"). Why let ignorant and
liability-conscious politicos do it in a year or so, when we could do it
easily, better and beat them to it?


On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, Nigel Kelly wrote:

As funny as that is - I see merit in it.

I'm new here, so some comments may be of "ignorance" - excuse them if they
are ... but...

Is there a standard we can specify that meets and exceeds the various
aspects of current certification testing? Take the most stringent of each
apsect to be tested - viscosity, pH etc - and have a single, HIGHER standard
which would mean anything meeting that standard automatically meets all the

This gives the biodieselers the "high ground". We can demonstrate we're
happy to step up to the mark - in fact we're interested in exceeding it (we
are... right?) Striving for perfection is an admirable thing - I also
realise it's not a real worl thing... but as a guiding principle it's good.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenji James Fuse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:04 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Let's accredit ourselves

Would any of you be willing to dub me a "lord of biodiesel' or something?

Seriously, I think it would be a good idea if this list put together a
dumb-ass 'certification' test so we could hang it on our walls and point
to it should some
regulatory agent come snooping around our setups threatening to shut us

Because we are from all over the world, it would have the kind of
untouchability of Amnesty, and good luck to a regulator trying to actually
find out about the 'certificate'!

I can feel you all already getting your feathers ruffled at this proposal.
I think I'm
going to try to put something together for the local co-op, so I would
greatly appreciate all your critical feedback (but go easy on the

Kenji Fuse

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