Gandhi I've only got a passing familiarity with, even though he seems to be referred to as the father of non-violent protest.
Maybe he was perfect and maybe his followers were never incited to riot or to violence.  If so, then in this case I'm wrong.  I hope I'm wrong.  I'd like to be wrong.  I wish my cynical world view was wrong and that if you really are pure of heart then the truth will win out in the end and peace will fall on the land but I guess I just haven't seen it in my life time.

On 14 Apr 2006, at 10:20, Keith Addison wrote:

ask: what would Martin Luther King Jr or Ghandi do?

Who would Jesus bomb?

The moneylenders in the temple?

"Peaceful Protest" always had the promise of riots behind it.

I don't think so.

So what about Gandhi? And indeed Jesus? Let's have a look at the 

global protests since Seattle in 1999, what about them?

I see lots on violence on the TV where protests are going on.  Where are the peaceful ones?  I'm serious.  Educate me.  Maybe I'm turning blinders to peace because it seems to me that all there is, is evil and violence in the world at large.  Little people being crushed under the wheel of US empire building and Globalization monster.

This Jesus guy though..... The more I read about the true, historical Jesus he is looking less and less like the guy in the Wholly Roman Bible and more like an Iraqi insurgent.    He was closely associated with the Zealots who were fighting against the Roman occupation.  When his plans of political ascension fell apart, looks like he high tailed it out of there and maybe joined Mary Mag in France.

Keith, educate me.  Where am I wrong?

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