Hallo Kirk,

Tuesday, 13 June, 2006, 22:01:59, you wrote:

KM> A friend of mine raises cattle on the highline in Montana. It takes 40 
acres to support 1 cow. The land is useless for agriculture as it is too dry 
and there is no water for irrigation. Without
KM> cattle it would yield nothing to eat unless you want to munch on the native 
bunch grasses.

KM>   Kirk

Justification again brother.

My brother-in-law is a very wealthy "farmer" in Ohio.  Buys, feeds and
sells cattle for beef.  He does till the soil, some 2,500 acres but he
doesn't  want  the  family telling anyone that he got free sludge from
the  Toledo,  Ohio  sewage  facility  which  was chuck full of PCB and
spread  it  over his entire farm and then grew crops on that land.  He
runs  somewhere  over  1,500 head of cattle and they exist in the most
appalling  conditions.   For  the  sake  of  clarity  I  will  use the
vernacular  here:   they stand in shit up to their knees when they are
in  the  older  barns.   In  the newer buildings there is a tank which
holds  the  manure  which is liquified and spread on his fields.  Each
animal produces about 40 pounds of manure per day 365 days a year.  We
all  share  the  water  table  in this area.  Many of the animals have
large  open  sores  on them, damaged eyes or legs due to overcrowding.
When  my wife took our grandkids over to see his farm she did not know
the  conditions as she hadn't been to that part of the farm for years.
My  brother- and sister-in-law do not live where they keep the cattle.
My  wife was horrified and the grandkids sickened by what they saw.  I
asked  my  brother-in-law  why  he  didn't  just  raise  crops  and he
answered, "Because I like cattle and being around them."  His wife and
kids  are lucky he doesn't show his affection for them in the same way
he  does for his livestock.  And he is a nice guy.  I like him despite
his overwhelming love for G.W.

Brother,  your  friend and my brother-in-law made conscious choices as
do  we all.  And yes, I eat meat and no, I am not holier than thou.  I
just  like  honesty, or I don't like sophistry (and I mean this in the
way  Friends  use the word which is getting around something by making
something  less  simple,  or as I would say, by being less than honest
and forthright-justifying something which is wrong), whichever way you
prefer  it.   Your  friend and my brother-in-law don't have to do what
they  do.  There is always more than an either/or choice but we humans
all  too  often  do  what  is  easiest  (even  if  it  involves  hard,
backbreaking work) rather than what may be best for us and the planet.

Ah, well. :o)

Happy Happy,


KM> pan ruti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
KM>      Dear  and respected Keith  and our list members 

KM>     Well  and thank you to bring  again   for  old  debate on  the SACRED 
COW, which  had  very good  impact  , even though  very hot controversial 
debate in our list  last time .

KM>  Let us again have good  debate on this good topic as we do have several 
eastern , western list members of all culture and  countries.I think this topic 
need not be considered  off topic , but
KM> very important one related with  sustainability and wish to thank for the 


KM> Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  

KM> The Ethics of Eating Meat: A Radical View

KM> By 
KM> I will not contest any of the above statistics, except to say that 
KM> they only describe the meat industry as it exists today. They 
KM> constitute a compelling argument against the meat industry, not 
KM> meat-eating. For in fact, there are other ways of raising animals for 
KM> food, ways that make livestock an environmental asset rather than a 
KM> liability, and in which animals do not lead lives of suffering. 
KM> Consider, for example, a traditional mixed farm combining a variety 
KM> of crops, pasture land and orchards. Here, manure is not a pollutant 
KM> or a waste product; it is a valuable resource contributing to soil 
KM> fertility. Instead of taking grain away from the starving millions, 
KM> pastured animals actually generate food calories from land unsuited 
KM> to tillage. When animals are used to do work-pulling plows, eating 
KM> bugs and turning compost-they reduce fossil fuel consumption and the 
KM> temptation to use pesticides. Nor do animals living outdoors require 
KM> a huge input of water for sanitation.

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We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin
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His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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