Hello Chip Mefford.
First I want to thank you for your email, the server maintenance, and the expenses. It will be great if the years of green technology and "how to do it" could be available in the future as a record. I looked at FarmOS on the Youtube link, I saw great ideas but here most of the farmers are old people and their strengh needs a horse or an ox to help them for planting as my Grandfather did with old technology Thank you for showing what you were doing at that farm, it is a new wave in agriculture from peasant peeople. It is a leap for farming, taking an ancient technology to the present state of the art digital world. It is wonderful!
I would like you count me in.
Best Regards.

Juan Bóveda - Pilar - Paraguay

El 16/03/2017 a las 12:33 p.m., Chip Mefford escribió:

Good day all of you who are left,

I really want to thank everyone who has sent their
thoughts on taking the list down. There have been
some, , no, not some, all, great stories.

Before I take the list down, ,
I was wondering how many of you are still interested in keeping
something like this going.

reason I ask is that I am becoming involved in a
new software project that I find very exciting, and
hence have chosen to do the work to update my
respective servers, including the mailing list server.

Kind of a pain in the neck, I went through a life-change
over the last 6 years, and walking away from all things
IT was part of that. Since I had many dangling obligations
(being a denizen of the internet) I tapered it all down
to where about the only thing I was responsible for was
this mailing list. However, that particular attempt
at resolving some things in my life by not doing
systems administration have cropped back up again,
so that wasn't the fix for which I had hoped.

So, it doesn't make sense really to abandon all those
skills I had developed, even though I am moving into
my dotage, (heh) but rather to double down and dive back

The project of which I speak is FarmOS


Take a look, give me some feedback, if there is interest,
I'll migrate some or all of this list into a new

Thanks kindly for your attention in this matter;

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