> Also, I remember Vixen, was the same, or very similar game engine to
> Thundercats.  Hottie on the cover.... they just don't put hot chicks on
> enough covers anymore.  Does anyone else remember games like Turbo Girl,
> Game Over, Phantis and Megacorp?  Now THAT was cover art..... either
> that or being a young teenager at the time really engrained those in my
> head.

>The closest equivalent I can think of (aside from all the Everquest/RPG
>Boris-wannabe pix)

Boris Vallejo? Another great artist, I love his artwork

>is Forsaken (1997).  Check out the front, back, and the
>calendar inside the package :-)

What about Elvira 1? It has Cassandra Peterson on the box in her usual
Elvira makeup and costume.

Also, Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2 had a photo of two pretty girls on a
gas station on the box... which reminds me of another question: I once saw
in Spain a "special" (??) version of LGoP2 that included a serial port
sound system of some sort. Was it really a special edition? Or did all of
them include that thing?

>If nobody has a copy, MobyGames.com should have the cover scans.

Oh Jim, it was a terrible choice for the name of the site :) You probably
should've called it MobyPlayfulThingsThatRunOnYourComputer.com ;)

(Obviously I have nothing against the site name; but the company I work for
has restricted access to all sites with "games" on it, to stop massive
downloads from the web from the employees).

Pedro R. Quaresma
"All your base are belong to us"


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