> Dan Chisarick wrote:
>     Also, all the game stores around here are displacing PC titles with
> console titles.  Its almost to the point where the PC gets one shelf, and
> consoles get the rest of the store.  Compound that with PC games now being
> published in boxes slightly larger than a paperback novel.  Several times
> I've flat out missed new releases because the boxes were so small (better
> get my eyes checked or something).

I think what computer software packaging has become is disguisting.  Tiny
boxes, and NEVER shrinkwrapped.  It's sad, esp. in a time where some of the
coolest boxes could probably be created.  Was there an offical "cut off"
time where the packaging of games changed so much?  I mean, I've always
visited the computer stores over the years, and noticed the slow change, but
I just suddenly realized that a computer game shelf doesn't look anything
like it used to..


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