Marco Thorek wrote:

I'm not sure I like all this concentration. We are almost at the point
where only a few publishers dominate the market, because only
heavyweights can afford to develop a game nowadays. And because these
heavyweights have to make sure that a title gets in the production
costs, we will see more and more games with a 2, 3, 4, 5 in the title
and as much appeal to the mass market as possible.

Creativity and originality is only an afterthought, once the calculators
rule over the creative department of a gaming company.

It's not the calculators: It's what makes money. You shouldn't be scared that accountants and suits are ruining the industry; instead, you should be scared that the core sales of most computer and console gaming are the way they are. It is a hard pill to swallow that adventure games simply don't sell enough units to make a profit.

There are a *few* sequels, maybe 5 a year, that are indeed worth playing. I just recently finished Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, and it was a surprisingly deep game with a lot of replay value. But that is the exception.
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