On Jan 20, 2004, at 10:31 PM, Jim Leonard wrote: [Snip]
Or am I the only one who executed a round of attacks in an RPG and sat with baited breath while the disk drive paused, whirred, taunting me with the result until finally the results were printed?

I can remember playing Ultima III and trying to beat the disk drive if my party died. It was a bad habit to get into though. I used to restart the game when a whirlpool nailed my ship....

I agree that playing on the original equipment is the most fun. No emulator matches hearing the disk drives do their start up pattern on an Apple II. I also have a Mockingboard in mine so I can hear the music. Hmm. I was just about to whine ;-) that only ApplePC supported the Mockingboard, but a quick google and I see a couple of new emulators say they support it. I'll have to try them out.


Edward Franks

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