Howard Feldman wrote:

So I can still use it as a 5.25" drive, or a 3.5" drive, just not both at the same time. I must open the computer and switch jumpers to get it to work! So in summary, watch out before buying Asus Motherboards!!! (Can anyone list decent contemporary M/B manufacturers whose BIOS DO support 2 floppy drives?? Gigabyte? Abit? Intel?)

Most still do, I think. I just bought an EPoX 8KRA2+, Athlon XP 2500+ CPU, and 512 MB Kingston RAM for $250 and that combo supports two drives. Frankly I was surprised to hear that it wasn't an option -- it's like, what, 4 bytes in the interrupt table?

(The EPoX is running beautifully, BTW. I've had 0 compatibility issues, which was why I upgraded. I previous had an old KT133-based board, back when the Athlon 1GHz came out 3.5 years ago, and I never once got all my hardware working at the same time.)
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