Steve Bennett <> writes:

> I love it when people are brave enough to question the semantics of
> very frequently used tags.
> FWIW, here's how I use unclassified vs residential:
> residential: a street with at least some houses, that isn't a tertiary
> or above, and probably has a speed limit of 60kph or less.
> unclassified: a country road that isn't a tertiary or above, and
> probably has a speed limit of 60kph or higher. Also, minor roads in
> non-residential parts of cities, regardless of speed limit.
> Obviously those definitions aren't tight, mutually exclusive or even
> necessarily coherent.

That more or less matches what I'd use.

I think the underlying problem is that there's a big gap between
tertiary, which should be a road that really is used to go somewhere and
residential, which more or less means a road that you wouldn't care
about unless you destination is on or very near it.

Here's an example:

There are way too many roads marked secondary (most of those are not
state highways, or as important as state highways), yet the secondaries
are more important than the tertiaries, and the tertiaries are more
important than the residentials.

(The map key doesn't show tertiary/unclassified/residential.)

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