Am 28.02.2013 00:05, schrieb Balaitous:

You insinuate that I want to remove the other tags characterizing paths.
This is false.
What I propose is a new tag providing a summarized information, such
that no algorithm can do.
Besides, I think we should also tag of the markup, like

markup:quality= scale from 1 to 5
markup:type= paint/cairn/...

Speaking as someone who deals with databases every day at work, given separate 
pieces of information, you can always combine them at need.
It's true, but it's not a simple problem, and I think it's better done
by human brain instead of computer, and even more difficult if a lot of
separate pieces are missing.
(It's a fact, specifics tags are low used)
But to be useful this value has to be decided by a human brain based on the same rules and the same comparisons everywhere. Now you not only leave out the calculation formula that a computer would use, you only say "well, it's a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is the worst and 5 is the best" (or the other way around; who cares). Now take someone out of the Tanzanian outback, where even what we would tag as primary streets have sand or ground surface, aren't smooth. If there are paths tagged, their scale usually will be a different than I would take in a German city, as a street with asphalt ground where a few potholes are isn't a good street any more.
If all you have is the composite data, it isn't always possible to derive the 
Never possible !
But who wan't to remove all detail information ?
The path classification will in fact give the feeling to some up to many mappers that they don't have to fill in the details, because everything is said already by adding that single classification tag, and nobody can pull out of the result the details again.

You didn't propose to remove detail information, but you propose to make them factual obsolete by claiming, data users would better use your classification tag. Adding detail information would as a result not give any benefit for any usage scenario that only uses this classification directly, so some mappers will skip the details in future.


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