In my part of Italy - I don't know whether this is correct for the entire
country - it is *normal *on cycleways that run parallel to roads that at
every point where there is a lateral road, there is a *pedestrian* crossing
across the lateral road where the cyclists are requested by law to
dismount. Obviously we are in Italy, and no cyclist does dismount. But I am
now locally inserting bicycle=dismount on all pedestrian crossings of this
type. We also have crossings where cyclists can cross on their bikes, but
their number is much smaller.

On 7 October 2013 22:37, Stefan Tiran <>wrote:

> Hi,
> fly wrote:
> > Hey
> >
> > I wonder if it is useful to tag bicycle=dismount on ways.
> >
> > At least in Germany there is no official traffic sign despite of the
> > existence of some.
> Every time I see such a sign, I get very angry about the fucking moron,
> who was responsible for this bullshit. Of course, it is in no way
> acceptable to let people dismount their bikes. Bicycles are not toys,
> they are vehicles of their own right.
> That's way I also don't think it is acceptable for a routing service to
> suggest a route for a bicycle where one can't use it the way it is
> supposed to be.
> Yours,
> Stefan
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