Am 25.09.2014 11:48, schrieb Pieren:
I think the main issue raised in this thread is to decide if each data
consumer can decide alone what surface is paved or not (using this
"surface" key and its hundreds values) or if we are able to find a
common definition stored in the osm db (using this "paved" key).
With the first option, the "paved" attribut can be inconsistent
between applications. With the second option, the "paved" attribut is
subject of personal interpretations from the contributors but this
could be moderated when the surface key is also present.

Definitely now we all know that there are different opinions for e.g. gravel as paved or unpaved at mappers and consumers.

And where is the benefit to manifest the paved/unpaved meaning in the database?
Beside edit wars I see absolutely nothing ...
I vote for inconsistencies between applications - and not between mappers!

A second tag would not change the mind of a consumer about the meaning ...


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