> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 8:54 AM, Bryce Nesbitt <bry...@obviously.com> 
......For example: a commonly needed and commonly mapped feature is an
RV dump station, for emptying sewage holding tanks.
On Tue, 2015-02-17 at 10:39 +0700, Dave Swarthout wrote:
> ......
>  discussion are resisting it as a top level tag (amenity=dump_station)

Dave, a more consistent approach would be -


I have a published list of maybe 450 AU Dump Points and all are suited
to large RV holding tanks and the small cassette systems. Sigh, no,
three allow only the small cassettes !!  What the ??? 

Anyway, if we accept the argument that amenity already has too many tags
(not sure I do but..) all that needs happen is better docs relating to
existing tags and, if you really don't like using chemical_toilet, some
new waste= tag.

I'd be happy to support waste=dump_station .........


>  but it's one I think is very appropriate. And much better than
> waste=chemical_toilet, which is ambiguous (is the toilet the waste or
> its contents?)  I have a similar objection to the term
> toilet:disposal=*
> Neither phrase is in common use in the U.S.
> -- 
> Dave Swarthout
> Homer, Alaska
> Chiang Mai, Thailand
> Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com
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