On Mon, 2015-02-16 at 21:34 -0800, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:

> The real question is what type of tag would attract rendering
> support.  amenity=dump_station is easier to deal with,
> as it's a single level that maps to the commonly understood function
> of a place to dump a sewage holding tank.  

Bryce, I agree, my own interest here is I'm heading out on a trip, in an
RV, in a couple of months. I'd like to map these things, need to know
where they are.

My particular interest here is camping and emptying my holding tank, but
there is a huge list of other people who have some other pet need. I
understand the community is (reportedly) reluctant to cater to each of
those needs individually with yet another amenity tag.

Maybe I am wrong, lets see who stands up ?

> There is a common icon:
> http://www.broomfield.org/images/pages/N331/blue%20heading%20icons_rv%
> 20dump.png
Truth is, we'll need a lot of use before the rendering people can help. 

> amenity=waste_disposal + waste=chemical_toilet
> is a nested tag, and far less clear.  Someone searching for a preset
> for this might not find it.  And it's not entirely
> clear exactly what the waste is (the toilet or the contents of the
> toilet)?

Not sure I agree. If we document it properly, its searchable and pretty
easy to tag. And we say "amenity=waste_disposal and the waste is XXX".

Agree I'd prefer a high level tag but its not bad like that, really.


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