2016-11-16 2:04 GMT+01:00 Nelson A. de Oliveira <nao...@gmail.com>:
Since they can't find another tag to indicate those "dangerous"
places, they argue that access=destination is valid for this case.

Other group (including me) find that this is wrong: we should not tag
streets considered dangerous in OSM (specially when "dangerous" is
We also think that access=destination is being wrongly used for this.

Since we can't reach a consensus on this, we would like to hear some
opinions and suggestions on how to handle such problem, please.

The "danger" you're talking about is otherwise called a "hazard".
I have mentioned several times that a  Proposed features/hazard  exists that, IMHO, is very well done. But OSM doesn't seem to care about hazards, especially children related, except you and I and a few.
That page needs some care, but, as things go, it can be removed in secret any time like  Relations/Proposed/Defaults  which,  maybe not in that form, is badly needed because it would put default values inside the OSM database instead of scattered everywhere.
One should not remove a badly needed proposition, but mark it "don't use", "unsuitable', "to be reworked" ...
I would have liked to tackle the job but I've had too many disappointments from the answers on these lists and my time is used by other hobbies.

As to "access=destination", previous answers said alright that danger is not a legal matter.
I personally don't think of that as legality but as instructions for routing, whether and how a GPS can use that road.
access=* shouldn't be mixed with other considerations like it was done with access=dedicated.
Only the length of the discussions it has generated is a proof of that.  Normal access=* rules are very clear cut.  But on the wiki, you can read that access=dedicated is meaningless in Belgium and on Belgian pages, the instructions are to use it.  Go figure.

So, go and finalize  Proposed features/hazard, making sure they include what you think of.



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