> On Feb 16, 2017, at 10:27 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Let me sum up the questions:
> 1.1. do you prefer amenity=dispenser or amenity=dispensing_device?

If it is purely dispensing an item (straws, bags, flyers, umbrellas, then 
dispenser. There needs to be some way to tag "collector" as well (where you 
return a dispensed item in some occasions. Some are both (like an umbrella 
stand - take/leave one as you enter/exit a garden or park). 

String or twine
Shoe covers
3D glasses
"Samples" (a sample of a very large amount) 

> 1.2. if we should introduce this, should we keep vending_machine or should it 
> be seen as a subclass of dispensing_devices?

Keep vending machine. It may be the same idea, but the mental idea of the job 
seems very different. 

> 1.3 if we introduce dispenser and the dispensing=* key, should we keep the 
> vending=* key or should it be comprised in dispensing=* ?

Good to keep them paired, so there is no confusion, so keep vending. 

> 2. which tag seems best for automated parcel pickup / mail in? Current 
> proposals are:
> * amenity=parcel_station
> * amenity=parcel_machine
> * amenity=post_machine (in analogy to post office and post box)
> * amenity=self_service_parcel_counter
> * amenity=self_service_parcel_mail


Pickup / drop off. 

I would also add amenity=parcel_point or similar. Many convenience stores in 
Japan are now points where you can have a package delivered to instead of your 
house for certain parcel delivery services. 

For example, my wife and I needed to have some bulky supplies delivered to a 
school, but the school wouldn't accept deliveries, so we walked around the 
nearby convenience stores looking for one that was a delivery point for 
packages for the particular service we had to ship via. It would be nice to 
search for them in an app rather than on foot. They don't have a machine nor a 
counter, and you can't leave regular mail - you go up to the register as if you 
were buying food and they hand you your package after checking ID. There are 4 
different major delivery services in Japan, so there needs to be a way to 
denote which service is accepted. 

> 3. for services, which tag fits well?
> * amenity=service_machine

Amenity=service_machine is acceptable. I imagine photo booth falls into this, 
along with shoe shine, golf ball cleaners, scales, etc. 
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