2017-03-07 10:58 GMT+01:00 Thilo Haug <th...@gmx.de>:

> "own data, as an overlay" doesn't make sense to me in this case,
> as it's data the community should collect, not the transformation of
> existing data collections
> ("motorcycle friendly" web pages, as they are often randomly listing
> hotels).
> This is the motivation of this tag.

one of the basic fundamental rules in OSM is that data should be objective
and not opinionated. We do not want restaurant reviews (or any other
personal review) or a generalized way of saying "suitable for cyclists"
(you can of course map the factors that say why it is suitable or not), and
a "friendly:*" tag could be misleading in this regard. I agree that there
are facts that can indicate a friendlyness or hostility towards a certain
group of people (e.g. motorcyclists, hikers, hunters, cyclists, ...), like
the signs, so I am not absolutely against a tag like this, but the
definition should make it clear that it is about objective, observable

> Didn't understand what you mean with "digest approach" ?

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