On Wed, 8 Aug 2018 at 20:03, Daniel McCormick <mccorm...@kaartgroup.com> wrote:
> I propose that only one language is used for the name= tag. This will help to 
> create a standard for naming that will bring clarity and consistency. If 
> multiple languages are used in the area, place the most commonly used 
> language in the name=* field and then the other languages in the appropriate 
> name:en=*, name:fr=*, and so on. This will ensure that the data is 
> specifically catalogued for routing software, while providing the opportunity 
> for users of data to specify the language they desire to read the map in. In 
> the end I suppose it would just be a matter of seeing both all the time or 
> not but if we use the name:(insert whatever desired language here)=* we 
> ensure a more specific and catalogued database for OSM globally.
> An example of this the Greek method where they have
> name=Μητροπόλεως
> name:el=Μητροπόλεως
> name:en=Mitropoleos street
> In Greece if I use a routing software, I can easily tell it to show me 
> name:en or name:el for whatever I need to see at the time. Rather then using 
> hyphen, slash or space I propose we use this method for distinguishing 
> different translations in our naming scheme

I think it depends on whether the language of the second name on the
street sign is spoken at that place or not, i.e. if it is a bilingual
place or not. If it is not – like in Greece –, then I think your
example makes sense. However, if it is – like for example in
Biel/Bienne [^1] – then I would put both names in the name=* tag.

[^1]: <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2005-Biel-Quellgasse.jpg>

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