On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 08:31:03AM +1000, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> On Wed, 22 May 2019 at 07:47, Florian Lohoff <f...@zz.de> wrote:
> > - Houses which are routeable by road a but are near road b or vice
> >   versa.
> That could be a "problem" due to GPS (?) system being so accurate?

And map data beeing very accurate. With commercial data sets you'll map
addresses to street segments. Done. 

We aim much higher. We want exact locations of buildings and we expect
some clever algorithms to match these addresses to roads. Works for 
90% of the cases. And fails in others.

And then we aim even higher. We want all the corner cases to work.
Issues as the above - Address on road A - Reachable only via road B but
near road A. Without hinting there is no way an algorithm will be able
to determine this.

> For instance, where I am sitting now at the back of my house, various GPS /
> location / navigation systems tell me that I am actually at the address
> behind us, of That Road, rather than My Street, because I'm about 1m closer
> to that street!
> If I turn OSMand on & ask it to take me from my present location to my
> Home, it will tell me to walk or drive around the block!

Its not an GPS issue - Navigation works different - You tell where you
want to go and it selects a precise and explicit point on the routing
graph where to take you to. And it'll follow on the graph to that
location. The mapping of an address to a location on the routeable
graph is the Problem - not the routing/gps. This is why i called
it "navaid" not "routingaid".

Id imaging a relation which says

object A -> car -> Node B (on routable graph)

So whenever i tell my nav software to bring me to object A the node
selected on the routable graph as a destination will be Node B.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
        UTF-8 Test: The 🐈 ran after a 🐁, but the 🐁 ran away

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