I expect the "width" of a way to be the actual width of the object it represents.
This obviously changes depending on the mapping style applied, e.g.

- if it's a highway with sidewalk and cycleway tags, it's the width of all of it

- if it's just a road with footways mapped as separate ways next to it, then it's the width of just the road.

If you want to tag how much space there is for some kind of vehicle moving in some direction, there are the specific width tags like width:lanes, sidewalk:width, cycleway:width, shoulder:width, verge:width
and so on.


On 14.09.20 20:34, Supaplex wrote:
1) Width of the actual carriageway, without parking lanes and sidewalks
2) Width between curbs / edges of the road without sidewalks, but with parked cars when they are on street
3) Width including sidewalks / roadside paths

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