On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 02:36:06PM -0800, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> The proposed new tag, vaccination=<Illnesses against which vaccinations are
> available>, seems like a reasonable idea.
> However, it might be necessary to discuss a main feature tag to use in the
> case when these are not administered by a clinic or doctor's office or
> hospital.
> There does not seem to be a widely used, suitable tag under healthcare=* or
> amenity=* for a place that specializes in administering immunizations only.
> healthcare:speciality=vaccination is not a primary feature tag, but a
> secondary tag which needs to be added to something under the key amenity=*
> or healthcare=*.
> Perhaps amenity=vaccination_centre would work?

Yes please - I can see planning coming up for vaccinations centers here 
in Germany and these are not planned in hospitals but in vacant commercial
buildings which have loads of parking spaces. So using some
healthcare specific tag is probably misleading.

These will be temporary things (Timeframe be years) but LOADS of people
will try to find it. And its a global issue.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
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