On Fri, 2013-11-15 at 18:30 +1100, Andrew Harvey wrote:
> ....
> but I don't see the benifit in hosting them when GA already do a
> pretty good job at this. If your application doesn't support z/y/x
> then patch it, and if you can't it would be much simpler to just proxy
> the GA tile server to give a z/x/y endpoint.

In the case of FoxtrotGPS, I'll prepopulate its cache with the GA files,
transforming from z/y/x to z/x/y in the process. FoxtrotGPS always
checks it's cache before looking to download. Not hard.

FoxtrotGPS only looks for .png files but if it finds JPEG files with
a .png extension, its quite happy :-)


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