On Wed, 2013-11-13 at 19:13 +1100, Andrew Harvey wrote:
> Just a heads up that GA have a tile service for their NATMAP 250K Topo

Thanks Andrew, I thought the list might be interested in a few comments
about this service.

Firstly, really cool that they are doing it !

Putting aside the licensing issue, I am not sure how useful the data is
wrt populating OSM. Its all pretty dated, I spotted a number of age
related errors in just the areas I am familiar with. So, I'd suggest
that armchair mappers could not use it to to update roads, park
boundaries and things like that. 

On the other hand, it might be useful (licence permitting !) when
working on geographical features that don't change much and are
difficult to survey. Creek and river beds come to mind.

Lee was interested in historical location names from memory...

My interest was seeing those maps in FoxtrotGPS, while Foxtrot cannot
handle the Z/Y/X map structure, its pretty easy to sneak under it and
pull the maps down into its cache, renaming as you go.

I found that zoom level 12 appears to be the only really useful set. The
other levels are just an expansion or contraction of the level 12
images. Level 10 might just be usful as a key map, its sort of

I pulled down all of Victoria at level 12 and level 10 and it took up
about 180M.  Certainly a useful alternative to OSM and Google maps.


On Wed, 2013-11-13 at 19:13 +1100, Andrew Harvey wrote:
> Just a heads up that GA have a tile service for their NATMAP 250K Topo Maps.
> So if you add this to JOSM/etc you can use this as a base layer to
> derive information from.
> http://www.ga.gov.au/gisimg/rest/services/topography/NATMAP_Digital_Maps_250K_2008Ed
>    ition_WM/MapServer/tile/{zoom}/{y}/{x}
> The map is CC BY 3.0 AU as per
> http://www.ga.gov.au/topographic-mapping/digital-topographic-maps/using-attributing-products.html
> However as per the contributor terms I don't believe OSM allows one to
> derive information from CC BY works and include this in OSM
> (https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/624/can-i-use-or-trace-from-cc-by-data-under-the-new-contributor-terms
> but) and attach the attribution to the feature as per the usual
> methods, unless you requst some kind of special license above and
> beyond what GA already grant via the CC license.
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