On Wed, 18 Jan 2023 at 18:25, Andrew Hughes <ahhug...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ben, Andrew, Graeme,
> Agree 100%, the hazard is the "steep descent" (or similar), which most
> likely (but not always) coincides with the include/gradient sign such as
> "15%" (and we might see "incline=-15" tag used as well).
> possible tags are:
> hazard=Descent  <-- because this is applicable to not just trucks!
> hazard=Steep Descent  <-- because this is applicable to not just trucks!
> hazard:hgv=Descent
> hazard:hgv=Steep Descent
> hazard:hgv=Steep Descent;Tilting
> incline=-15
> incline:forward=-15 <---- if you want to specify direction or is this
> implicit in just using incline and direction of the way anyway????
> The "restriction" (assume that is the common OSM term Andrew?) or signage
> on the road is to use low gears.  Q: Tagged on a node and/or  way?

If there is an end sign, then I'd map it along the way as something like
`low_gears:hgv=designated`. Then I'd also map the traffic sign as a node,
either separate or on the way.

> What about
> traffic_sign:hvg=Use Low Gears
> traffic_sign:hvg=AU:Use Low Gears
> traffic_sign:hvg=Tilting
> traffic_sign:hvg=Use Low Gears;Tilting
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:traffic_sign says "It is common to
use both human-readable values (like city_limit) as well as national
traffic sign IDs (like DE:310) where they exist."

It would just be traffic_sign=* not traffic_sign:hgv=*.

My preference would be to use the exact sign number, eg.



Would anyone like me to create a mapillary challenge so we can tag a few of
> these examples?

Looks like Mapillary does detect some of this signage, under signs "Trucks
rollover" and "Steep descent", a MapRoulette challenge would be a great
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